This series comprises meeting minutes from Women's Mission Society (WMS) executive board meetings and conventions, and annual reports of society work from 1938-1961. There are handwritten and typewritten reports and minutes generated as a record of business the society conducted at its meetings and work it completed throughout the year. There are no minutes or reports prior to 1938 because before that time the WMS did not keep complete records of meeting proceedings or summaries of program work completed each year. Record keeping begins in 1938 when Mrs. Anna J. Stubb becomes the society's secretary and she raised the issue. The reports are from annual meetings conducted from 1938-1956. Those written prior to 1941 are in Danish. Some reports included are those that were published in the WMS page in the AELC publication Lutheran Tidings. The reports include a summary of issues raised and decided upon at the annual meeting, as well as the financial statement for the previous year. Reports prior to 1945 do not contain as detailed financial statements as those after 1945. Starting with records for 1957 there are typewritten minutes from executive board meetings and annual WMS conventions. These minutes generally include officers' reports, district presidents' reports, standing and special committee reports, and issues raised and actions taken at the meeting. Convention minutes included standing committee reports, officer's reports, election results, financial reports, special committee reports, and resolutions considered and passed. Records are arranged chronologically.